Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Fun Play-Date!

Jack and I had a wonderful time playing and chatting with our friends, Emi and Lisa. Lisa was in Jack's Baby and Me class last winter. They "fell in love" instantly! I can't blame Jack for liking Lisa, she is ADORABLE! As soon as Jack would see Lisa he would start cooing at her. Now he shows off his tricks (i.e. waving, clapping, babbling, and handing her puzzle pieces and then clapping) for her. We had not seen our friends since last April so we got together. The kids had a great time playing (i.e. Lisa loved trying to grab Jack's hair and Jack loved exploring Lisa's playroom with lots of neat toys). Jack also loved their dogs. The mom's enjoyed some good adult conversations. Emi and her husband are from Japan and since they have been in the States they have visited 48 States and have been all over the world. That is my dream to travel to all the places they have been (someday....):) Needless to say, both Jack and I really enjoyed hanging out with them and we look forward to our next play-date. Enjoy the cute pictures.


jonelle said...

They are so cute together. Carter has a crush on Ava next door. He tries to impress her with his many talents. It's cute!

Emi said...

Thanks again for this fun play-date!I'm so happy we finally got together, and can't wait for the next one. Jack and Lisa are so cute together.