Thursday, April 1, 2010

SLC Trip

Over winter break Jack and I headed to SLC for a little visit. Our friends from Michigan also came to Utah to ski and visit. It was so fun to have them around! I hope they come to visit again (hint, hint....). Actually, they will be in Texas with us for a year before moving back to Japan. We are excited to have them close for another year. Jack and Hats love to play together, although I think Jack was a little jealous about having to share the attention:) We went to This is the Place Park, Temple Square, Cafe Rio, The Porcupine, and of course skiing. Our friends also spent a couple of nights up in Park City. We played games, wii, went on walks and just enjoyed our time away from cold Michigan. I was super impressed with our friends skiing abilities. They were amazing! My brother was our little guide for skiing and he took us down some tough trails but they did great. It was a perfect ski day, warm and not very crowded. I miss being so close to good skiing! Jack stayed with my mom, while I went and met up with Shawn in Texas so that we could find a place to live and luckily we found a place! So please feel free to visit us, we will have a room waiting:)

Skiing: it seriously was an amazing day. It was nice to have my brother there because he knows Snowbird so well, we just all followed him.

They were both fascinated by Cafe Rio (yum, yum!)
Exploring the back yard with Auntie Rachel. They loved seeing the horses, cows, dogs and cats.
Jack and Hats love to play with each other. They play at least once a week together.
My family and friends. Steve is actually doing law school with my friend's husband but I met my friend in a toddler class. Small world!
Hats loved all the attention she got from my family. She was so cute. She would just walk into my mom's bathroom and love being with all the girls while we got ready to go out. She would put on my sister's jewelry and walk around with a big smile on her face. I think she felt like part of the family. Too cute!
We went to This is the Place Park. It was an interesting experience to say the least. I had never been there but thought it might be good to take our friends because I had heard good things about the park. Well, I am sure it is great in the summer but in the winter it is not a very 'happening' place. The little town was shut down but they still gave train rides. I think the tour guide was so happy to have people who were not from Utah, that he opened up some of the houses and gave us a 40min tour. There were a bunch of people waiting for him to return but he still took his sweet time with us. That part was great. The funny part was that the tour guide turned to my friend and said, "you know I always wanted a Japanese wife because they just say, Yes sir, Yes sir." Luckily, my friend has a good sense of humor and just said, "well I guess I am the first Japanese wife that you have met that is not like that" and laughed. But can you imagine that he said this. He then continued to say that he use to want a Chinese wife but then he saw one hitting her husband with her umbrella and then decided a Japanese wife would be better. Oh my, our tour guide was a character to say the least! He said some other totally inappropriate things but I don't think I should post about them. Anyways, we got a good laugh and stories to remember. He made our tour very entertaining and interesting!

1 comment:

Becky Slivka said...

I am so impressed with all your traveling - good for you for going out and about. that was our favorite part about living closer to the east coast, everything is so much closer! Your hair looks almost brown in this last picture and I think it's so cute.