Monday, June 23, 2014

May 2014

At the beginning of May we had family pictures taken. It is always the most stressful time of the year.  Blue Lily pictography took the pictures at White Rock Lake in Dallas. At the end we questioned whether we would have one good picture but they always do an amazing job. Before the pictures we let the kids play at the lake and then we got them ready in the car. They loved feeding the ducks.  
Here are the pictures. Summary of the night. Jack is always happy and obedient. Adelaide is laughing, naughty, doing the opposite that we tell her to do but making us all laugh. Gray just stares and takes it all in. Shawn and I looking at each other wondering if it is all worth it...

 Right after the pictures Shawn dropped us off at the airport and Jack, Adelaide and I took the night flight to UT for  the weekend. We went to meet my sister's finance. It was a fun, very short weekend. Shawn stayed at home with Gray. Jack played all day long with his best friend Gavin and my kids were very spoiled by Aunty Rachel and her finance Evan and of course by GG.

Jack had his mini Olympics. He did a great job. It was fun to see how he has progressed. We got a babysitter for the younger 2 kids so it was a special day with just Jack and his parents.

 Random picture of Gray and then the special sibling bonds.

 Adelaide moved to the back seat with her brother. She was so happy.
 My favorite thing to do. Gray is my most cuddly baby. All my kids are but he stays that way even as a toddler.
 Pack into our Sunday morning walks. It had been a while since we have gone but it was so pleasant and nice.

Collecting rolly polly's on the way.
 Learning to add and subtract.

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