Tuesday, February 26, 2013

September 2012

The month of September was low key for us. I think all the traveling in the summer wore me out a bit. We got back into a routine.

Jack started preschool at Trophy Lakes Academy.

Jack played a lot with his best friend Gavin. They played in the rain and raced sticks, went roller blading and of course played lots of super heroes.

Every year to go to the Dallas Arboretum with our close friends. The kids have so much fun together.

Jack and his funky hair. We love doing funny things with his hair in the bath.

Adelaide loving the bath too.

Kids playing.
Jack likes to try on Adelaide's bows.....

Adelaide is a happy baby. This is how she looks like shopping. She is consonantly smiling at everyone.

Pathetic but I finally adventured a bit and made homemade rolls. They turned out yummy.

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