Monday, January 28, 2013

June 2012

Grandma Sheila came home from Dubai and came to meet little Adelaide. We love having her over. We all think Adelaide looks a lot like her Grandma.

We went to Utah again to bless Adelaide. It appears I love getting out of the heat in TX in the summer. We went to UT several times. It was a very special blessing and Shawn did a great job even though he was only there for 24 hours. It is so special to have all 3 sets of great grandparents and lots of family and friend support.
 Before the blessing my best friend Sandy took adorable pictures of Adelaide in her blessing dress. Seriously can't get enough of this girl.
My mom knows how to through a party. She made a beautiful dinner for Adelaide's blessing. We are so lucky to have such a great GG. I did not take as many pictures but it was a beautiful day. Of course my mom is working on the meal and not in any pictures....


At Great Grandparents Roberts

Jack playing with his cousin (second cousin for something like that, my cousin's son). They love each other and have so much fun together.


Our good friends that we met in Michigan who lived in NYC at the time came to visit us before they headed back to Japan. Hatz is the same age as Jack and Ken is the same age as Adelaide. Tomoko came to visit with her kids. They were only here for a couple of days but we love them and had lots of fun.
Jack and Hatz playing super heroes.

 We went to the Dallas Aquarium

Adelaide and Ken. Too cute.

We played and ate at Central Market.

While I was in Utah I bought Jack a little swimming pool. Love the finds at Down East. He loved playing in it.

In the car being silly.

I could not take Jack to the water park very often because of the heat but Shawn took Jack swimming every Saturday and good friends would come pick him up and take him as well.


To be honest I can't completely remember what we did for Easter.... Not sure if my family was in town or what we had for dinner but we did try to get a picture of the kids on Easter Sunday which ended up being harder than we thought.

Look at what the Easter Bunny brought Jack.

Our neighborhood is awesome. They threw a big party with an Easter Egg hunt as well as the Easter Bunny came to say hello to all the kids. Jack loves Easter egg hunts.

My sister's really good friend lives and Dallas and loves Jack. She is always spoiling him. She brought him a Spider Man Easter Basket. Jack was in Heaven. 
The Church is building a new Stake Center a couple of blocks away from our house. We are super excited to have the church building so close to our house. In April they dedicated the land and all the Primary Children sang.
Between being in the hospital and my sister moving to Texas to a little while we saw lots of family in April. My mom came out times. One to help me and one time to move my sister. We always love seeing GG. My sister is always a lot of fun. We went to the Fort Worth Zoo and the Stockyards while she was here.

 Stockyards in Fort Worth

 Fort Worth Zoo

While my mom was here she convinced Shawn at Costco to buy a playground for our kids. She offered to pitch in some. We have wanted to get one but they are soooo expensive. It took Shawn several weekends to put it together. He also had a couple of times where he spent  several hours to put pieces to together to find out he did it wrong.... Jack loved helping Shawn out. It was really cute how they work together. But it was worth all the hard work and sweat. Jack and his friends love playing outside. Now Jack keeps telling me we need a trampoline....

Adelaide had her 2 month check up. I need to find her stats but she was a happy and healthy little girl. Seriously our dream baby. Jack is the best big brother as well. So far no jealousy issues and he is super helpful. Adelaide lights up when Jack or her Daddy walks into the room.

Best garage sell find ever! $2 each! Two times a year my city/town is allowed to have a garage sell. It is a huge event. Bring bring huge trucks and churches do big sells with free hot dogs etc. I am not a garage sell person but a friend told me her neighbor had over 100 super heroes still in their boxes he was selling. I guess he is a collector. He said he still had several hundred at home. I rushed over their to see if there was anything good. Score. I just wish I bought more. Seriously I have dreams about how I should have bought Flash, Wonder girl, and Wolverine. I was in a hurry and late to a hair appointment so just grabbed a couple. They don't make them like they use too. They are huge with parts that don't fall off or small heads that could be swallowed. Jack seriously plays with them all day long.

Eating popsicle and playing with his best friend Gavin.
The ladies in my ward threw me a shower. So much fun.