Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Piano Recital

You might be asking yourself, who had a piano recital? I know that I am quite old for this and it was somewhat embarrassing to stand with all the kids (as you can see I am the oldest one there by about 18 years) while their parents were taking pictures of them. Not to mention getting my written reward and flowers for participating. Despite of feeling somewhat childish, it was really good for me. I was so nervous and practiced so hard because I did not want to make a fool of myself. Luckily, there were only about 2 kids that were way better then me and I only messed up on one song. All of kids called me the American mom (which is kind of funny because we are in America but as you can see I am the only Caucasian person there). They all thought I was like 18 years old, which I guess I should take as a compliment right? So yes, I was taking piano. I had an amazing teacher but she just moved back to Taiwan. I think I might wait until we move to Texas to start up again. But I still want to continue. It is my goal to be able to one day just pick up a song and be able to play. Shawn was a great support and with some bribing he supported me.

Luckily, my teacher did not make me memorize my pieces. I don't think I could do it.
All of the other students.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I had NO idea you were taking piano lessons. Good for you!