Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jack loving the Bumbo

Jack's first attempt on the chair, you can tell he is not sure what he thinks of this new thing. 

Jack is now very comfortable in his chair two days later, as you can see he is giving a half smile!
Jack chillin wondering why his mother is taking so many pictures of him. 
He is looking so grown up to me in this picture......
Okay, I had to post a picture of a cake I helped decorate because who knows when I will ever be this domestic again.  I made a cake for the young women's fundraiser and my friend Christie came over and taught me her cake decorating skills and this was the final product.  They did a fundraiser to earn money to pay for camp.  It was a big success.  There were lots of cakes that were auctioned off. They earned enough money plus some for camp.  


Let the Good Times Roll said...

Dang Marti, that Jack is SO CUTE! I swear he is one of the cutest little kids I have ever seen. I LOVE that first picture, and how stinkin cute are his little plaid pants!

Kristin said...

The chair is awesome, and Jack does look grown up in it! I also love his little outfit. Your cake looks gorgeous! Good job.

Jeff and Rach said...

Oh they grow up so fast!! He is such a handsome boy. Take a million pictures of him because when he is 2 and in the kitchen throwing eggs on the floor you will want to remember how sweet he was at this age!

Awesome cake BTW.

Kelly said...

Wow he has changed a ton since I last saw him. He has the cuttest dimples!

melissa said...

he is darling and gotta love the bumbo. you have some serious cake decorating skills. can't wait to see jack's 1st b-day cake!:)

*** said...

Martha Ann, way to go on that cake! Very domestic of you, great job! Glad to hear the auction went well. And I love that Jack! His cheeks are resting on his shirt in the bottom pic and I love it. My he is so very cute!!

Pessoa Fam said...

He is so dang cute! I just can't get over it. I am in love with his hair. He is a miniature you with dark eyes!