Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thoughts on the arrival of Baby Gray......

In only 4 short days I will be admitted to the hospital to be induced. We are excited for the arrival of Baby Gray. I have been thinking about how different each of my pregnancies have been.

Jack in our book was perfectly planned. We got pregnant right when we had planned. The goal was for me to finish graduate school and work for 9 months in order to get my Clinical of Competence Certificate and become ASHA certified. Although I was sickest with Jack (throwing up 5-11 times a day) and had horrible back pain there were no major problems. He came at a perfect time in our lives. We had about 3 years of marriage behind us and we were able to travel and really enjoy our time as newlyweds. Everyone instantly fell in love with Jack with his crazy blonde hair, long eye lashes, deep blue eyes and dimples. He looks a lot like my brother except that he has more Shawn's body. He was a beautiful baby and remains a beautiful kid both inside and out. Jack was the an awful sleeper, not sleeping through the night until 2 1/2 but was the happiest kid during the day. Now he loves to invent, cook, do "science experiments," play super heroes (has the best imagination ever), gives lots of kiss and hugs everyday and is very logical. He is always trying to negotiate for things especially to stay up later. He is sensitive, not so coordinated, loves playing with friends and loves to stay busy. He is starting to say big words and use them correctly. His daily lines are "when is it going to be morning" and as soon as he wakes up he says "Mom what are we doing to do today?" I love this kid more than words and I hope he continues to love me as much as he does know. From the day he was born he won my heart over.

Adelaide came after 2 miscarriages and lots of testing and heartache to figure out why I was having miscarriages. She was a pure blessing to me. During her pregnancy I was very guarded. I did not want to bond until she was in my arms in case something happened. I did not tell very many people I was pregnant. I avoided being in pictures and taking pictures. I did not go out the way to see friends when I was traveling. I figured the less people that knew I was pregnant the less people I had to tell if something happened. Just too painful the previous times for all parties. With Adelaide I had to take daily shots to prevent a blood clot. I was not as sick as I was with Jack but still sick. I ended up having mastitis when I was pregnant and then again after she was born which landed me in the hospital for a couple of days. Secretly I was so excited to be pregnant with a baby girl but remained very guarded. I remember the last couple of days before she was due having lots of anxiety. I kept thinking I need to have this baby out so I can enjoy her. The whole pregnancy was filled with lots of anxiety. For me Adelaide was a huge blessing. Once she came into this world I could just not get enough of her. I still can't. I loved every moment in the hospital with just her and I. I would stare at her for hours. She had such a sweet spirit about her. She was a very calm baby. I slept peacefully at night with her beside me. Sleeping 8 hours the day we brought her home from the hospital and it quickly went up to 12-14 hours at night. She was a very easy, calm, and sweet baby (except for nursing which only lasted 2 1/2 months). Once she turned about 4 1/2 months she started to crawl. She is extremely coordinated. She will watch me do something and figure out how do it the first time she tries. She is very sassy as a toddler and does things on purpose to be naughty. She fortunately has a very forgiving, loving brother that does not see this side of her and is constantly saying, "oh baby you did not mean to take my toy or hit me, that is okay...." When I clearly know she meant everything she does. She has a super contagious belly laugh and you can't help but love her even when she is naughty. Her smile can light up a room. Adelaide remains the best sleeper but she is one busy toddler. She has everyone wrapped around her little fingers and she knows it. We just adore her. She is a complete Morris baby. I don't see any resemblance of me in her. When we go places people comment "you know who her daddy is and you know who your son's mommy is...."

Baby Gray:
We never really wanted to have kids super close in age. I thought I did before we had kids but then I thought Jack and Adelaide's age difference was really nice and easy. Jack was pretty much self sufficient when I had Miss. A and went to preschool so it was a very easy transition from 1 to 2 kids. Once Adelaide turned 4 or 5 months I had some very strong impressions that we had a little boy that needed to join our family. I was not sure how Shawn would take the news. He is not one for chaos and works a lot. When I told him about my impressions he was pleasantly on board and did not try to be "logical" about my feelings. One thing I learned on my mission was how to recognize impressions that I get (not that I always act upon them...). I am grateful that with big decisions we respect each others impressions, talk about it and then make a final decision together. So as soon as we made our decision baby Gray was in our lives. I was geared up to be sick but I was pleasantly surprised. This pregancy I have had lots of energy, only threw up once or twice, have not gained as much weight, and all around it was been very enjoyable. I never thought I would be happy being pregnant but this has been a whole different experience. Baby Gray has by far been the busiest baby and several people (including my doc) have mentioned that my stomach looks like an alien is inside because it moves around so much. I have bonded and enjoyed being pregnant. For some reason I know this boy is suppose to be in our lives at this moment even if it means life is going to be crazy for a while. I am so excited to see what he looks like and what type of a baby he is. Sometimes I feel a little said that Miss. A will not be the baby anymore but she has always been an independent soul. I will still give her lots of loves and cuddles when she lets me. Jack gives baby gray a kiss every night on my stomach (I really don't like my stomach to be touched but Jack is so sincere I let him do it). He is so excited for his little brother's arrival.

It is so interesting to me how each pregnancy and personality is so different yet so perfect in their differences. I love my little family and can't wait to meet our newest addition.......

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