Friday, June 19, 2009

Seattle FUN!

So we are having a blast up in Seattle. The last month has gone by so fast with the help of great friends and family in Seattle, several visitors, lots of gelato and tons of things to do in the city. I will start with the most recent and work my way back.

Weight: 18 pounds 1 oz (app. 73%)
Height: 28 3/4 inches (app. 92%)
Head circumference: app. 10% (poor guy has my small head)
I don't know if I totally trust these statistics as I don't think the nurse was too accurate but he is healthy and growing:) Jack is really working hard at crawling, he can maneuver himself around in a circle and somehow manages to scoot himself backwards and forwards within a couple of feet radius. He loves being on his tummy and just started to bring his knees under his bum, but he still can't figure out how to use his arms to help him out.

So one of my best friends from graduate school, Kendra is visiting from Connecticut, yes I would like to think that she made the long trip here just to see me but she also came for a convention. She did come a couple days early just to hang out. It has been so fun to hang out with her for the last week. We have relaxed in the jacuzzi, eat sushi, ice cream, explored pike market, shopped and best of all laughed a lot! My other best friend from graduate school, Ashleigh came up from Oregon for a day. It was so great to be reunited with my two best friends. I could not have completed grad school without them! I wish we all lived closer to each other as I really miss them. Thank goodness for phones!
Below: Ashleigh, Kendra and Me

My mom came into town for the weekend and we LOVED having her here!! It went by way too fast and Jack is having withdrawals! We did lots of walking along the pier and the market, walked up to our favorite Russian Bakery every day (yum!), shopped, took a harbor cruise, played lots with Jack, watched movies and somewhat relaxed. My aunt and uncle and cousins spent the weekend with us as well, which was a lot of fun and Jack loves Lilly! Unfortunately, I don't have pictures with them.

Jack and GG at the harbor cruise

Every morning my mom stuck Jack in the sink while she got ready, he loved it.

Valley Gals and little BOYS!
We went to lunch at my old work, which was so fun to see everyone. A couple of my old c0-workers brought there little boys as well. There were six of us who got pregnant all within a couple months of each other and we all had BOYS! Amy, my old supervisor is expecting her first in November and she just found out she is having a boy as well so there will be 7 Valley boys (crazy fun!)!!
All the valley gals
Four of the six boys as you can tell Jack and Liam were not so happy
Jack loved little Luke except when he would pull his hair. Luke loved Jack's hair. He would grab it and pull it, Jack would scream. We would move Luke away but he would just crawl over to Jack and poor Jack can not crawl yet so all he could do was scream in self defense.

Tiny Tots at the Symphony
My friend Lacey and her daughter Ellie (friends from Seattle, her husband is doing an internship with Microsoft but they live in our same complex) went with us to the Symphony. Jack loved the music! Lacey is great, she plans activities every day and invites all of us and whoever can come along goes. She has really made living here fun. We have explored several parks and museums with them.

Jack's Seattle cousins have come to play at our house and Jack loves it! They love pushing Jack in his stroller in our apartment and I think Jack feels like the King of the Crew as he is pushed along happily!

FOOD, FOOD, FOOD, need I say more:
So I am attempting to make all my own baby food thanks to the Beaba baby cooker (which I love!), it makes it super easy to make all your own food. Jack eats like a champ, here are some funny pics of his eating experience thus far (can you guess the food?)

Strawberries, yes I realized after I gave them to him that you are not suppose to give strawberries until they are like a year old. Luckily, nothing bad happened but I will wait to give him anymore.
Avocado, he loves it! They say avocado is one thing that humans could live on alone because of all the nutrients they provide. Yummy!

Okay, these pictures below made me laugh, these pics represent what a typical first bite of a new food is like:
Tasting the new food (apples)
"Dad what is this?"
"Mom is this really okay to eat?"
"Dad are you sure, I don't know if I like it."
"Okay I love it! Give me some more!"

Jack was so funny, he kept looking back and forth at Shawn and I to see if he was really suppose to eat this stuff.

Eating carrots and sweet potatoes

So far Jack has tried: apples, bananas, avocados, carrots, sweet potatoes, and strawberries. I just went to Whole Foods and bought a bunch of new food for him to try. So more to come!

Also, I don't have any pictures but Shawn's mom stayed with us for a couple of days which Jack of course loved. Shawn and I loved it as well because we were able to go on a date! We went to this delicious steak house. Grandma also let me sleep in while she played with Jack. We are excited to see her again. We have been lucky to have two of our Michigan friends here as well. I miss them and am excited to see the Michigonians at the end of the summer. It is no fun cooking every night, oh wait I don't! Poor Shawn has eaten several leftovers and Trader Jo meals. He will be excited for the dinner group again.


Rose said...

Your baby is getting so big! And he is adorable too! I love the photos of him trying out different foods. :)

Natalie said...

That sure is a cute little boy you have!

Heidi said...

Oh my goodness, baby Jack is sooo adorable! What gorgeous eyes and I love his hair! You look so happy. :)

Andrea said...

Sounds like you guys are having ton of fun in Seattle. I absolutely love that Jack goes back and forth between you to see if it is really ok to eat. He is adorable!